


we ?

Herne is a project that aims to assist young brands looking to reach international markets. We believe that GREAT ideas also require great planning and execution. This is where we come in, with our combined 20-year experience on the international stage. We use our background and know-how to help you nurture you brand into what you believe it can be!

At Herne, we value your creativity and the importance of preserving and maintaining it. It is the very thing that drives you and your brand.

However, a brand cannot grow without the “boring” stuff. Reaching buyers, negotiating with wholesalers, exporting or importing your products, promoting your brand online and so on.

So, let us take care of those aspects. Let us be your support: we’ll be here for you and your brand on the world stage.




Finding it difficult to get your brand noticed by the right people?

We understand what you are going through.

Our experienced team is waiting to get to know you and your product. All it takes is one quick call and we will strategise your international expansion. We will be your representatives wherever you need us – in the UK, the EU or Asia. We will assist you with all important buyer introductions, represent you at crucial trade shows, manage your warehouse, storage and distribution operations and so much more. We’ll do the legwork to ensure that your brand grows smoothly.




Can’t figure out where to start when exporting your product?

Don’t worry, you are not the only one!

We understand that first time exporters can get in a muddle. The process is daunting and involves a mountain of paperwork: from commodity codes to local compliance, and from freight insurance to import duties. It feels intimidating and is very time consuming. However, with a combined experience of over 20 years in international trade, we have the resources and knowledge to get your company export ready.




Feel as if you are hitting a wall with your sourcing and manufacturing requirements?

With so many options out there, we get it.

We have been exactly where you are now. Our team knows that sourcing the right materials and choosing the correct manufacturing partner might just be the most important thing you do for the success of your brand. Quality is key and cost is crucial. With the collective expertise of our international team along with our established relationships within the manufacturing world, we can help you effectively communicate your needs and deliver exactly what you need.