
Reach out to new markets.

Herne is here to help you reach out. Technology has made the world smaller: you’re one click away from a sale, a few emails exchanges away from a new contact. But we believe that you can never replace humans and human interaction. Indeed, trust needs building, ideas and visions need translating. This is where we come in and where we can be of service to businesses, brands and artisans out there. This is where we can be of use to you. Growing your business requires more than the click of a button or a few paragraphs in an email. We want to be an extension of YOUR company – we’ll do the legwork so we can expand and grow together. We will spend time to get to know you and understand what your specific needs are so we can represent you correctly and accurately to buyers. We want to make sure that you can be the best that you can be, without huge and hidden costs, or time wasted. If you’re looking to expand into the UK and Europe – we can help you reach new markets